Sunday, February 6, 2011


I uploaded a video on Youtube the other day about the aftermath of our recent blizzard.  In that video, I talked about the necessity of community in a post SHTF. world.  I was so utterly amazed at how the little town that I live in, came together, pitching in with shovels in hand, and every farm tractor for miles around, coming to the rescue of their neighbors.  I had cleared our own driveway well enough for our little four wheel drive "Tracker" to get in and out, but it was "Re-plowed" at least six times by our neighbors that day.  This is the kind of "Pitching in", that will be necessary for both a community, and the individuals that live within it to survive the coming uncertain future.  You run across so many folks who act as if they are going to be able to run out into the woods, and live off of bear meat if the world collapses around them, that it's staggering.  The truth is that they will either starve, of freeze to death.  The concept of being self sustainable is a misnomer.  The task at hand too great, too overwhelming to imagine.  If the future does bring about an apocalyptic scenario, we will have to rely on our local community more than we can imagine.  We will also have to learn to be a contributer to our communities as well.  Some will have strong backs, some will have the skills necessary to provide for security, and some... Even the elderly, will provide a knowledge base of the ways that people got by "In the old days".

I happen to believe that if we are to suffer through a "Collapse", there is a greater than fifty, fifty chance that it will be more horrible than most folks can imagine.  I also believe that, again there is a greater than a fifty fifty chance, that the "Bad times", could last for a very, very long time.  We have to begin thinking about what the future is to look like, if Mankind is to survive (As well as our families).  It's pretty darn clear that our population has started to "Over run" the planet's capacity to support us.  I don't say this as a Tree Hugger, but as a realist.  We have to start thinking about localization of food production, and using resources on a more reasonable scale.

The only way to do that, to survive, to thrive, in the future that we are facing, is to rely on community.

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